Charlestown Middle School
Charlestown Middle School Logo
Student posing next to pool
Extra-Curricular Activities

Charlestown Middle School offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities to help students develop skills and interests in non-academic as well as academic areas. No person shall, on the basis of sex, race, religion, or national origin, be excluded from participation. The principal, assistant principal, or Dean of Students may exclude a student from participation if his/her conduct is recognized as being unacceptable.

Transportation: It is the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation home for students participating in after-school activities. Students should be picked up promptly at the times indicated by the sponsor or coach.


Boys basketball team pose for photo
Athletic Highlights

Fall Sports: Football, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Boys’ Tennis, and Volleyball

Reigning Football Clark Bowl Champions

2019 Undefeated Season

Winter Sports: Basketball, Cheerleading, Wrestling, and Swimming

2019 Girls Basketball Undefeated Season, MSC Champions, Clark/Floyd Champions

Spring Sports: Track and Girls’ Tennis, Soccer Sports League, Girls Baseball League, Boys Baseball League

To access Final Forms, click the link below.

National Junior Honor Society

Membership in the National Junior Honor Society is by invitation only and is based on these five qualities: scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship, and character. To be eligible for consideration, a student must be in the seventh or eighth grade, be enrolled at the beginning of the school year, and have completed at least one full semester at Charlestown Middle School. Sixth graders are not eligible. A seventh or eighth grader must have a 3.6 (grades are not rounded) overall cumulative semester grade point average at the end of the 1st semester. If a student feels that he/she is eligible, an NJHS membership application should be completed and turned in no later than the end of the 3rd nine-week grading period.

Once eligible scholastically, a faculty council then evaluates each student based on the criteria described in the National NJHS Handbook – service, leadership, citizenship, and character. Students selected are notified through a “tapping,” in which students are presented with an invitation for membership. Candidates are inducted to membership during an evening ceremony.

Art supplies
Other Clubs & Groups


  • Student Ambassadors
  • Yearbook Club
  • Art Club
  • Theater Club
  • Chess Club
  • Diversity Nation
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
  • CMS Developers  Building and Design
  • Robotics Club
  • Shipwrecked Singers
Eligibility to Participate in Extracurricular Activities

1. Sixth graders who wish to participate in sixth-grade athletics must not be 13 prior to August 15 of their sixth-grade year.

2. Seventh graders who wish to participate in seventh-grade athletics must not be 14 prior to August 15 of their seventh-grade year.

3. Eighth graders who wish to participate in eighth-grade athletics must not be 15 prior to August 15 of their eighth-grade year.

4. Sixth and seventh-grade students who are too old to compete in their grade level may compete at the next higher grade level in which they meet the age requirements.

5. An eighth grader who is too old may not compete in middle school interscholastic competition and IHSAA rules prohibit middle school students from competing with high school students.

Academic Requirements (based on grades received at the end of each nine-week grading period)

1. A student must pass all subjects to participate in an interscholastic competition.

2. A student not passing all subjects is on academic probation. While on probation, the student may not compete in interscholastic competition. The probationary period lasts three weeks. If at the end of that time the student is passing the subject he/she failed, probation will be lifted.

3. Initial eligibility for fall sports is dependent on a 7th & 8th-grade student’s grades from the last grading period (4th nine-week grading period) of the previous school year.

1. Students must be present the equivalent of three class periods (135 minutes) of the school day to participate in an extracurricular activity that day.

2. Being tardy to school or absent the day after an extracurricular activity is unacceptable.

3. Any student who wishes to participate in athletics must have on file with the school the required insurance, physical, and cardiovascular forms. These forms must be on file prior to trying out, practicing, or playing in any interscholastic competition and are only valid from April 1st of the previous school year to April 30th of the current school year.

5. All rules and requirements are published in the Greater Clark Middle School Athletic Handbook.

The coaches, athletic director, and principal keep a copy of the handbook.

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